Saturday, September 13, 2008

Autumn Festival (Rare Find)

Walking from Gaiemmae Station (met up with a friend in that station) to Harajuku, We saw a small festival off the main road we were walking.  They were celebrating the Autumn festival (the harvest, especially rice), people were dancing and singing, and the taiko drummer (wiki link) was pounding away.  We rushed over to watch and take pictures.
From Japan

From Japan

From Japan

Then we headed over to the festival vendors who were making special foods and treats.  I was interested the wafer sandwich that this old man was making called "Souce Senbei" (wiki link).  
From Japan

From Japan

But before I could purchase one, I had to play his pinball machine (caught sliver of that pinball to the right of the picture) for 200 yen. Where the ball lands determines how many stacks of wafers I get.  I got ten stacks of wafer, the lowest possible (but they can go as high as 100).  Then I chose my filling between Chocolate, Condensed Milk, or Oyster Sauce which he then spread inbetween the wafers.
From Japan

Ah so special. My friend said I was lucky to see one because it is hardly celebrated in Tokyo City.

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